Therapeutic laser treatment is among veterinary medicine’s most underutilized treatment methods. However, due to the ever-improving and advancing technology, laser therapy is starting to be acknowledged as a pain management tool that encourages faster healing processes within the body.

Still unsure about opting for vet laser therapy to treat your pet’s particular health condition? We’ll find out more of its benefits as we get going to help you make a firm decision.

Conditions That Can Be Treated by Veterinary Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a drug-free, non-invasive, and surgery-free form of vet treatment that is an excellent modality for pets that can not handle medication or safely undergo anesthesia. Animal facilities like New Ulm Regional Veterinary Center utilizes vet laser therapy to minimize inflammation and pain associated with chronic and acute conditions in pets, including:

  • Fractures
  • Severe and chronic ear infections
  • Degenerative joint condition
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Dental procedures
  • Gum disease
  • Sprains and strains
  • Dermatologic conditions
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Infections

Benefits of Opting for Veterinary Laser Therapy

Veterinary laser treatment goes hand in hand with regular vet exams due to its exceptional and useful benefits. When you take your pet for routine exams, the veterinarian will examine their overall condition and conduct tests to search for signs of health conditions and offer immediate treatment.

Depending on your pet’s diagnosis, the veterinarian may suggest specific treatments like laser treatment to tackle their condition. This is how pet wellness exams can help. Below are five major benefits of laser treatment to help you know what to expect in case you opt with it:

1. Non-Invasive Treatment

The good thing about veterinary laser therapy is that it’s a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t need extensive invasive procedures or surgery. This means your pet will recover faster and can go back to normal activities earlier.

2. Faster Healing

With its ability to stimulate collagen production and other healing compounds, veterinary laser therapy can accelerate your pet’s healing process while reducing inflammation. It’s even stated that it has soothing impacts on a pet’s muscles.

3. Safe and Effective

Veterinary laser treatment is safe and effective and has no known adverse effects. It has been thoroughly studied and has shown a long track record of success in veterinary medicine. Some specialists even say it’s enough to stimulate healing and relieve pain. It works directly on the affected areas and helps enhance mobility, reinforce tissues and muscles, speed up healing, and even enhance your dog’s quality of life almost instantly.

Just as vet laser treatment is effective and safe, so are regular pet vaccinations and parasite prevention. Although your pet might experience minor pain or a few adverse effects during and after vaccinations, it’s a part of ensuring they live their best life. This will protect them from common pet conditions they might encounter when you take them outdoors.

You may visit websites like to see the importance of pet preventive care.

4. Pain-Free Procedure

Laser therapy helps relieve discomfort and pain by minimizing swelling and inflammation and blocking pain signals. In addition, pets will not struggle throughout the operation as it is painless. So if your pet cries in pain or agony due to the inflammation and stings from their injuries or fractures, they’ll be fine after several sessions.

5. Better Clinical Results

Treating pets with cold laser treatment in a therapeutic or post-surgical application offers much better clinical results than traditional or invasive treatment options. As discussed above, laser treatment reduces discomfort, makes healing faster, and even prevents scarring.

Final Thoughts

Veterinary laser therapy offers more wealthful advantages than standard invasive treatments. So if you’ve already researched and think vet laser treatment is the best course of action for your pet’s condition, no one is stopping you. However, do not bypass your vet’s suggestions if you plan to do so. Although veterinary laser therapy is not yet widely available due to the pricey equipment involved, the vet should be able to refer you to facilities that have it. Lastly, the prices vary by region, so inquire with your vet before making any decisions.