Mold can cause allergic reactions in pets as well as people. Mold exposure may cause mild symptoms such as runny nasal, watery eyes, and sore throat.

Mold is often responsible for skin diseases and asthma attacks. If mold is causing you symptoms such as a foul smell or water damage in your home, it is time to get mold testing and an inspection.

Mold exposure symptoms vary from person to person and range in severity from mild to severe. Some symptoms can appear throughout the year, while others may only be apparent in winter.

Mold Health Hazards

Human Immune Response to Mold

Mold allergy symptoms result from a human immune response, just like other allergies. People inhale tiny mold spores suspended in the air. Their bodies then produce allergy-inducing antibodies to combat them.

Your immune system continues making antibodies that “remember the invader” after the initial exposure. This causes your immune system to react any time you contact it again. Histamine is released and causes itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and other symptoms associated with mold allergies.

Mold can be found either outside or within buildings. While there are many mold types, not all can cause allergies. However, if you have an allergy to a kind of mold, it does not mean you will be allergic to others.

If It Is Not an Allergic Condition

Mold can cause symptoms without causing the allergy. Mold can lead to infections, irritants, or toxic reactions. Mold infections can cause many skin infections, pneumonia, and flu-like symptoms.

VOCs, which are mold-derived chemicals, can irritate the body’s skin. VOC irritant reactions can be compared to allergies. Visit a restoration company’s website like for more information.

Health Complications

Most allergic reactions to mold are mild and not dangerous. However, hay fever-like symptoms can be bothersome. People allergic to mold can experience an asthma flare-up due to mold-induced asthma scores. A plan should be in place if you have severe asthma or have a mold allergy.

Allergy Fungal Sinitic results from an allergic reaction to the sinuses. People with asthma might develop allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis reactions to fungus within their lungs. 

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis can be a rare form of lung disease in which the lungs are inflamed by environmental particles, such as mold spores. It could also be linked to work-related dust exposure. You are more likely to develop a mold allergy if you have allergies or asthma in the family.

Other Health Issues Caused By Mold

Black mold can be a health hazard to those with sensitive skin. Mold can lead to skin and mucous membrane infections. Mold can cause skin and mucous membrane infections but rarely systemic diseases. This is especially true for those with a weak immune system, diabetics, HIV/AIDS patients, or immunosuppressive medications.

Mold exposure can irritate certain people’s eyes, nose, throat, and skin. Other potential mold reactions are still being investigated. Restoration companies have pack out services to help you with mold remediation.