Veterinary surgery has come a long way, allowing us to treat many conditions in pets. However, many pet owners are still unsure about the various surgeries veterinarians can offer.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most common veterinary surgeries for pets, so you can better understand how these procedures can improve and potentially save your pet’s life.

What Are the Most Common Types of Veterinary Surgery?

When it comes to veterinary surgery for pets, some are most frequently performed. Understanding these procedures can help you feel more confident when discussing your pet’s health with your veterinarian. In this section, we will explore the most common types of veterinary surgery for pets, including:

Spaying and Neutering

As a responsible pet owner, you’ve likely already considered spaying or neutering your furry friend. Spaying refers to removing the uterus and ovaries in females, while neutering refers to removing the testicles in males. These procedures are common and essential in controlling pet populations and preventing health issues, like certain cancers and infections, which can lead to severe health problems.

Dental Surgery

Dental health is often overlooked when it comes to pets, but leaving oral health untreated can lead to severe issues down the line. Common dental surgeries for pets are performed by professional vet dentists and include extractions, dental cleaning, and periodontal surgery. Regular check-ups at their Fremont veterinary clinic can prevent the need for dental surgery or catch issues early, ensuring a happier and healthier life for your pet.

Tumor Removal

Cancer, unfortunately, affects pets too. Surgical removal can be a successful treatment option depending on the type, size, and location of the tumor. By removing the cancerous mass, your veterinarian can help your pet live a more comfortable life and slow the spread of the disease. Early detection is critical with any surgery, so regularly monitor your pet for any unusual lumps or bumps.

Cataract Surgery

Pets, primarily older ones, can develop cataracts that significantly impair their vision. Cataract surgery is a standard procedure performed by veterinary ophthalmologists to remove the clouded lens and replace it with an artificial one. This can drastically improve your pet’s quality of life by restoring their vision and preventing potential blindness.

Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgery is commonly required when pets experience bone, joint, or muscle issues. Some common procedures include repairing broken bones, treating hip dysplasia, and addressing knee injuries like a torn cruciate ligament. Orthopedic surgery can make a difference for pets, allowing them to move comfortably and maintain their active and happy lifestyle.

Emergency Surgery

In some cases, animals may require emergency surgery to address life-threatening issues. This can include cases like a blocked urinary tract, severe internal bleeding, or gastric torsion (twisted stomach). In these situations, prompt urgent care is essential to save your pet’s life.

In Summary

Understanding the most common veterinary pet surgeries is essential for pet owners to feel confident in their pet’s healthcare decisions. As mentioned, early detection and preventative care play a huge role in your pet’s overall health, so prioritize regular vet visits. When surgery is needed, remember to lean on the knowledge and expertise of your veterinarian to guide you through the process and make your pet’s recovery as smooth and comfortable as possible.